Membership in this informal growers network brings a wealth of benefits:
sharing information with other growers who share a love of garlic.
a subscription to THE GARLIC NEWS, a Canadian quarterly just for garlic lovers. It is a garlic growers’ publication, written by garlic growers for garlic lovers. Information in this newsletter includes articles on growing garlic for market and home gardens, organic growing, soil building, getting better yields, the garlic harvest, marketing information, results of growing trials and garlic research, the latest in new garlic strains, garlic festivals, field days and events, marketing ideas, the best original garlic recipes, notes on garlic and health, garlic and your pet, garlic in your garden, special columns, guest articles, garlic news from growers across Canada and much more.
answers to garlic questions provided by Paul Pospisil, Canada’s garlic guru, editor of THE GARLIC NEWS and well known authority on growing garlic in northern climates.
THE GARLIC NEWS comes out four times a year, the issues being planned to reach you in time for the four garlic seasons: planting; winter planning; spring tasks, and the summer harvest.
The E-Garlic News:
Starting at Issue #1, it is now available in electronic format as well, compressed for email transmission. The E-version has colour photographs and is scrollable for quick reading.”
Contact us by completing the information on the Contact Link or fill out the printer friendly Membership & Subscription Form, print and send it with your cheque or money order today.